Thank you.
From the little girl me... Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for showering me with love and making me feel special. Thank you for buying me books and teaching me to read. Thank you for also letting me watch Dukes of Hazzard in my bedroom. Thank you Dad for taking me to school every day. Thank you Mom for packing lunches with crust-less sandwiches. Thank you for caring for me, supporting me, and providing for me. Thank you for talking to me, listening to me, and always being there for me.
From teenage me... Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for showering me with love and making me feel special. Thank you for making me have a curfew and for setting high expectations for me. Thank you Dad for bringing the wrecker to pull my car out of the ditch (umm... twice). Thank you mom for teaching me how to manage my money and shop on a budget. Thank you for putting up with me when I was moody and hateful and when I knew so much more than the two of you ever knew. Thank you for caring for me, supporting me, and providing for me. Thank you for talking to me, listening to me, and always being there for me.
From young adult me... Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for showering me with love and making me feel special. Thank you for trusting me enough to let us have an after Prom party at the house. Thank you for praying for me after we unpacked my freshman dorm room before you headed back to Grayson, then for leaving just in time for me to collapse in tears on the floor because I realized how much I'd miss you (I may have never told you that story). Thank you for holding firm with your decisions even when I tried to sway you (turns out you WERE smarter than me!) Thank you Dad for telling me I wasn't allowed to quit school when I had decided I didn't want to be a teacher and just wanted to work at the UK Bookstore forever. Thank you Mom for not letting me get an apartment with friends when I was way to young to do so. Thank you for caring for me, supporting me, and providing for me. Thank you for talking to me, listening to me, and always being there for me.
From 32 year old me... Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for showering me with love and making me feel special. Thank you Dad for driving to Lexington to fix anything that breaks at my house. Thank you Mom for being the one I can always call crying if I need to vent. Thank you for raising me with strong roots in what's right and wrong, but also giving me wings and telling me I could fly. Thank you for caring for me, supporting me, and providing for me. Thank you for talking to me, listening to me, and always being there for me.
And most of all... thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me when I was ungrateful, stubborn, and angry. Thank you even more for loving me when I was sad and lonely and felt like no one could ever love me. Thank you for loving me enough to tell me when I am wrong, and for continually praying for me when I am down. And just as important, thank you for loving each other. Thank you for showing me what real love is, and giving me something to look for in my life.
I love you more than words can say applesauce.
Happy Anniversary.

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