Jeans at Goodwill to turn into Jorts: $3
Two new UK T's for the trip: $25 (used a gift card for this one)
Rental car/gas to Houston: $170
Fantastic gas station junk food (including Funyons, Nutter Butters, Airheads, chocolate covered cherries, and LOTS of caffeine): about $25
Fantastic real food in Texas. Fresh seafood and authentic Tex-Mex: $100+
Lodging at a beach house with this view: FREE! :)
Fun times and LOTS of laughs turning good friends into great friends: Awesome
Marking something off my Bucket List: Priceless
Sure it didn't end the way I'd hoped, but it was still an amazing trip. :-)
~Posted on the road from my iPhone. Go Cats!!!
Location:Lexington,United States
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