The ABCs of Happiness: L

Laughter- There are few things in this world that I love more than laughter. Medicine, mood changer, calorie burner--however you look at it, it's a great thing to do. Sure, sometimes I need to have a good cry (And if that's the case, luckily, I know just how to make that happen!) but there's just about nothing that feels better than a good laugh.
Lexington-(See also: Kentucky) When I was a little girl and Dad would bring me to Midnight Madness, as I sat in line at Memorial Coliseum, I'd see the college girls crossing the street and think "That's going to be me one day..." And it was. And I'm still here!

Labrynth- As far as 80's movies goes, this one has all the elements: Jim Henson puppet characters, bad green screen effects, baby-sitting, apathetic parents, amazing soundtrack, and as an added bonus: David Bowie. It's pretty phenomenal.

Lindsay- After my second year of teaching, I was interviewing candidates for a 4th grade vacancy in the classroom that adjoined to mine. This cute blond came in and answered her questions like she'd just read the SAT Vocabulary book. I didn't even know what some of the crap she was saying meant! When she left, I told the committee, "I can't work with her, she uses too many big words!" But those big words landed her a job, and this cute blond and I quickly became friends (because she's friends with all kinds of people!) =) I love Lindsay for lots of reasons, but at the top of the list has to be that she's so upbeat that I never feel bad about myself when she's around. And at times, that was saying alot! I love my job now. If you know me, you know that. However, I can say with near certainty that I don't think I will ever be as happy at work as I was the two years I teamed with her.
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