I hate working out. HATE. IT. I hate sweating. I hate it when my heart races. I hate feeling sore the next day. I hate all of it. And no, I don't feel great after working out. Not at all. I just feel tired and sweaty and gross.
That being said, I've been doing the Your Shape workout for the Wii every day for the past two weeks. You know, the one with Jenny McCarthy and the camera you set on top of your television so she can correct your mistakes. Which means I have to watch myself working out. On my HDTV. I REALLY hate this. It's not a pretty sight at all. I also hate how Ms. Skinny Cartoon Know it All sometimes says I'm doing something wrong when I'M NOT! (I mean, it's the Grapevine. I learned it in PE in Junior High for crying out loud!)
So the weird thing is... I'm totally addicted to this workout. I don't know if it's because I get a different workout every day, and I'm hoping to find one I like, or maybe it's because sometimes Cartoon Jenny notices I'm working really hard and praises me for it. But I think it's the calorie counter on the screen. I've never been much for seeing how many calories I've burned because it never seems to be as much as I think it should be, but the way this workout combines toning and cardio and weights, you can really burn some calories. So it's like I have a competion with myself. I want to get a higher number than I did before. It's like it's an actual video game and I'm keeping score. (BTW: High score 570 yesterday in 30 minutes.) So if me making this a game gets me to work out, I'll take it. Because goodness knows, something needs to keep me motivated.
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