Fall Break
by Erin Lynne, October 15, 2009
I had plans to DO something this Fall Break. I considered going back to Annapolis, going to NC to see my sister, or even just hopping in the car and going to Gatlinburg for a few days. However, an unexpected expense hit my savings account hard, and I just thought it was impractical that I go somewhere. And you know what, I've LOVED this fall break! I got all of my "Fall Break To Do" list (switching out summer clothes for winter ones, cleaning the house, etc) on Sunday so the whole week has just been relaxing, watching some trashy tv and lots of McD's cokes (I'm determined to win the monopoly game!) I realized I don't need to go anywhere or do anything special to have a good break. If you've read my blog for long (or simply read any of the older posts) you know that I've had my struggles with myself and my life, but now I really am happy. And this week to just be off and enjoy life has been fantastic.
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