So I am officially 30 years old, and you know what? It feels great! I honestly have the best group of friends a girl could ask for! On the big day, we had big plans to go to a new piano bar in Lexington. The girls had Bunko until 9, so the guys went early to reserve a table. Somewhere during the course of the night, I got a stomach bug (I know, I know, on my birthday!!! How much does that suck?) and we had to cancel at the last minute. Everyone went home with the hopes we'd reschedule soon. What is so great about that? you may ask. Well, all I can say is that I guess a little bit of the old me had resurfaced and thought they'd just go out without me. Autumn asked, "Did you really think we'd have your birthday celebration while you were home sick?" It's a ridiculous thought, I know, but I think that maybe, just maybe, on my 30th birthday, God gave me the gift of letting me know just how great my friends are.

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